
Galaxies - Serenity Within

image of colourful book titled galaxies serenity within

Anne’s hardcover art and writing giftbook, Galaxies - Serenity Within, (2016) sold over 1500 copies worldwide, while about 500, (through generous donors) were donated to a jail, libraries, hospitals, hospices, mental health units, chronic pain units, and other care facilities.

How to purchase Galaxies $19.95 CAD + free shipping anywhere in the world!

  • Order using a credit card via our secure Online Shop. We do not see or save your payment details.
  • Order using online banking using Interac Etransfer to [email protected]. We have secure autodeposit setup so no password is required. This simple secure method is cheaper than the cost of a stamp and a cheque and saves the studio credit card costs.
  • Order using a certified cheque or money order payable to Corvid Enterprises Inc. PO Box 1831, Antigonish NS B2G 2M5.
  • If you live in, or are visiting Antigonish Nova Scotia, copies are available at the Antigonish 5-$1.00 246 Main Street (local author section).

Other Writing

Anne is currently querying a debut literary novel, while working on a second one and a memoir. Previously she co-authored two non-fiction books and wrote numerous manuals and other publications listed below through World Cat.

image shows a blue book entitled discover nova scotia wildlife viewing sites with a picture of a young fawn
  • World Cat is a compilation of library holdings and lists publications by Anne held in public libraries.
  • Open Library is another web compilation of library listings around the world.
  • Discover Nova Scotia Wildlife Viewing Sites Anne co-authored a book with Julie Towers on wildlife viewing sites in Nova Scotia, available on Amazon.ca.

Selected Publications

  • 1996. Adult Environmental Education: A Handbook on Context and Methods Published by Institute for International Cooperation of the German Adult Education Association. Google Books WorldCat
  • 1995. Community environmental projects : from needs assessment to evaluation Published by Environment Canada. WorldCat
  • 1994. Nonformal section workshop on action models in adult environmental education Published by North American Association of Environmental Education. WorldCat
  • 1994. Adult environmental education : a workbook to move from words to action Published by International Council for Adult Education. WorldCat

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