image shows a smiling woman in colourful clothes painting in a wheelchair

Canadian Artist & Author Anne Camozzi

Welcome! I create to share awe and joy, and to understand the mysteries of existence. I experience the Divine in Nature and explore unexplained dimensions, while celebrating the interconnectedness of all life. A deep involvement in community enriches my creative work. I am interested in my work as a form of healing for myself, others, and the Earth and hope it inspires engagement in imagination, creativity and social justice, while bringing comfort and hope to those who suffer.

I create on the traditional unceded ancestral lands of my resilient Mi’k’maw friends and neighbours. I try to live in action for truth and reconciliation, climate and equity justice and in right relationship with all life.

As an artist with disabilities, I am always advocating for inclusion and accessibility. I am only disabled if I live with barriers.

More about Anne

Anne's signature
colourful picture of purple and yellow irises

Anne's Art

Anne is almost always “doodling” and does private and public art commissions when she is available, or licensing her art. You can read more in her bio and on her art page.

More about Anne's art
image of colourful book titled galaxies serenity within

Anne's Writing

Anne has a debut literary novel out for query that spans 1860-2015 - a story of love, loss and redemption that explores environmental and social change through inter-generational family ties. She’s currently working on a second novel and a memoir. Over 1500 copies of her hardcover book of art and writing, Galaxies-Serenity Within (2016) were sold in over 12 countries, while generous donors bought another 500 to gift to hospitals and other healing places. She’s previously written non-fiction books and manuals.

More about Anne's writing
image shows a painting of a turquoise starfish

Anne's Online Shop

Browse our catalogue to buy home decor, clothing, prints, cards, and other items. We are currently selling a limited number of original paintings. License art from our extensive collection of images.

View Anne's Online Shop
image shows a colourful painting of a couple standing on green leaves with a sunset sky

Anne's Latest Blog Post

Channeling Maud Lewis - Feb 11, 2019

In February 2019 Anne was asked to give a presentation by The People’s Place Library in Antigonish (Pictou-Antigonish Regional Library system) about how she uses creativity to cope with isolation and pain. Ironically this was pre-pandemic but it’s message is relevant for anyone coping with lonelines...

Read Anne's Latest Blog Post
head and shoulders image of a smiling woman with glasses and silver hair in her sixties

Contact Anne

Anne Camozzi Art & Design Studio
Corvid Enterprises Inc.
PO Box 1831 Antigonish, Nova Scotia Canada B2G 2M5

[email protected]

Or connect on social media